Reach for the Moon & You Might Land Among the Stars
As you dream about the year ahead, make goals, and create your vision board, I encourage you to think big.
And then think bigger.
Too often, we get stuck playing small and thinking small and just going through the motions and routines of our everyday life. We may also be concerned about keeping things “realistic” or what others might think of us if we want something bigger than what we currently have.
If you think small, you’re going to get small results.
You’re also not as likely to get as excited about the goals and the vision board and not do much toward it.
So instead of thinking of incremental increases (10% more income, 10% fitter, etc), wonder, “what if I doubled my income?” or “what if I became the fittest I’ve ever been?” and think about the impact that would have for yourself, your life, and your family.
The bigger you let yourself think, the more excited you will get, and the more you’ll be putting the vision board process to work.
So don’t just put things on your vision board that you think are possible or easy. Put the fantasies on them, too, and let the universe do its work.
You don’t have to know how to get there.
You just have to know what you want.
We’ll talk more later about strategies for moving toward your goals and dreams. And ways to help them manifest. But by and large, I believe that you should leave the HOW and even the WHEN up to the universe. Things happen in surprising ways! And often not necessarily on your own timeline, either.
So think BIG.
Think like a little kid who believes that anything is possible.
And take money out of the equation. Too often we limit our dreaming and goal setting by what our current financial reality is. Or our limiting beliefs about money. There are other ways to be, do, and have things than paying cash out of your bank account. Remember that you don’t have to know how something will happen yet.
Remember this quote by Norman Vincent Peale?
“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.”
The bigger you dream and live, the bigger your results.
Happy Dreaming!